SINGLE REVIEW: Orden Ogan – My Worst Enemy

When you hear of one of your favourite bands releasing new material, you are automatically curious. ORDEN OGAN have been one of my personal favourites for several years now so I was immediately intrigued when I heard they were going to release a new album. To help promote this, they have released a brand new single titled My Worst Enemy; this song was something I not expecting and I mean that in the most complimentary way possible.

Within the first few notes, I could tell it wasn’t your usual ORDEN OGAN song to release as a single; maybe you found it on the album later on but it’s usually faster songs that often get released first. They took a gamble and I personally think it worked in their favour.

The lyrics are moving and powerful; it’s often true that we are all our own worst critic and we are all incredibly hard on ourselves. This delves deep into that; as someone who has lived with crippling self esteem, mental illness and self doubt most of their life, lyrics such as “the voice inside will never cease, and nothing will ever give you peace” and “my worst enemy, has always been myself” hit hard. They capture what an indidivual with anxiety, depression and self doubt may feel.

One of the things I admire about ORDEN OGAN is their ability to write impactful melodies that stick with you and this song is no exception; the melody perfectly matches the lyrics it upholds.

I have been going through some rough periods of late where I have felt under pressure and the anxiety has been higher then ever before. Often I find turning to a song that matches how I feel is incredibly comforting, it helps me feel less alone. This latest one from ORDEN OGAN is one of the most cathartic songs for this and I personally think one of their best songs to date. If this is a taste of what’s to come, bring on the new album.

Words: Lotty Whittingham

Find ORDEN OGAN on Facebook.

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