Hi folks! It's Rock Out Stand Out Paylist time again this time brought to you in glorious Jacob-o-vision. To kick us off we have tracks from Nirvana, Gamma Ray, Fear Factory and Sepultura as Dave Grohl, Kai Hansen, Mike Heller and Derrick Green have all had birthdays in the last couple of weeks. We have … Continue reading ROCK OUT STAND OUT PLAYLIST – 22.01.2022

WORDS FROM THE TEAM: Martin’s Top 10 Singles 2021

Not only has there been an incredible amount of albums released this past year, there has been snapshots and teasers of things to come in 2022. Some singles work well as standalone pieces or add that final touch to an album. These songs have had a lasting impact and ingrained themselves in my psyche since … Continue reading WORDS FROM THE TEAM: Martin’s Top 10 Singles 2021


Summer has now vanished into the ether and Autumn marks a season of change. The days start to draw in and Winter looms ever closer on the horizon. As dusk arrives earlier, let Rock Out Stand Out keep you warm with the latest edition of the Rock Out Stand Out Playlist! With it being the … Continue reading ROCK OUT STAND OUT PLAYLIST – 04.09.2021