WORDS FROM THE TEAM: Martin’s Top 10 Albums Of 2021

One thing we can all be grateful of the pandemic for is that it gave artists and musicians of varying levels of grandeur to continue creating that thing that we all love: music. Selecting a Top 10 Albums when there has been so much released this past year was never going to be an easy … Continue reading WORDS FROM THE TEAM: Martin’s Top 10 Albums Of 2021


Time really does fly, we are now on the last album of the month post of 2021. Next month will see end of year posts. Let's see what our team members have picked for their last album of the month for 2021. Martin: Seven Sisters - Shadow Of A Fallen Star Pt. 1 It has … Continue reading ROCK OUT STAND OUT ALBUMS OF THE MONTH – NOVEMBER 2021

Rock Out Stand Out Playlist – 17.10.2021

It is officially Autumn, the season of change. Animals prepare for the long months ahead, tree leaves change colour, plants stop making food and the hours of daylight reduce. Let Rock Out Stand Out be your light in the dark with the latest edition of the Rock Out Stand Out Playlist! We have new singles … Continue reading Rock Out Stand Out Playlist – 17.10.2021


Summer has now vanished into the ether and Autumn marks a season of change. The days start to draw in and Winter looms ever closer on the horizon. As dusk arrives earlier, let Rock Out Stand Out keep you warm with the latest edition of the Rock Out Stand Out Playlist! With it being the … Continue reading ROCK OUT STAND OUT PLAYLIST – 04.09.2021

NEWS: SEVEN SISTERS – Release ‘Campfire Tales’ EP

SEVEN SISTERS have released a five track acoustic EP available exclusively as a digital download.  Featuring acoustic re-imaginings of four tracks from their early years along with a Thin Lizzy cover, they hope this release goes some way to bridging the gap between full length releases and bringing enjoyment to their fans whilst they‘re unable … Continue reading NEWS: SEVEN SISTERS – Release ‘Campfire Tales’ EP

NEWS: SEVEN SISTERS – On tour with Haunt

Having released a split 7” with Haunt last year SEVEN SISTERS team up with them for eleven dates in Germany, Spain, France and finishing up at Brofest in Newcastle, UK. See them here: SEVEN SISTERS + Haunt February 2020 16th            OLDENBURG, Germany – MTS Records17th            LEIPZIG, Germany – Black Label18th            GOPPINGEN, Germany - Gaststätte Zillow20th            BARCELONA, … Continue reading NEWS: SEVEN SISTERS – On tour with Haunt